Making and Deploying an AI Web App in 2023 (Part 6)

Containerize an App with Docker

This is part of a multi-part blogpost about how to build an AI Web App. Please refer to Part 1 for more context.

Now that your web app is working locally, it’s time to think about deploying it somewhere. The easiest way to do that is to make a Docker image, and send it to wherever you want to deploy it. Having a docker image guarantees that your environment is replicable wherever you take it.

Build a Docker Image

In our app, we have a 2-stage process: first we build our Python package into a wheel file, and then we run the web server. Therefore, we can use Docker’s multi-stage build feature. Having this process split into 2 stages enables us to have a minimalist Python environment in the final image. That is, we install the dev environment in the first stage, but only the minimal needed dependencies in the final image.

This is our Dockerfile, which should be in the root of our project:

FROM python:3.10 AS builder

# install hatch
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade hatch
COPY . /code

# build python package
RUN hatch build -t wheel

FROM python:3.10

# copy wheel package from stage 1
COPY --from=builder /code/dist /code/dist
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade /code/dist/*

# copy the serving code and our database
COPY /code
COPY articles.sqlite /code

# run web server
CMD ["uvicorn", "app:app", "--host", "", "--port", "8080"]
If your project directory contains many files (or some big ones), building this image might take a long time. If that is the case, you should make a .dockerignore file to avoid having docker run through all your files. See more about this in Docker’s docs.

To simplify our workflow, we should also add a couple of scripts to our pyproject.toml, to build and run our docker image:

build = "docker buildx build . -t ai-web-app:latest"
serve-docker = ["docker run -p 5000:8080 ai-web-app:latest"]

You can then run

hatch run build

and the docker image will be built. Afterwards, you should run

hatch run serve-docker

which will serve the app in your local port 5000.

You can again test with curl, by running this command in a new terminal window:

curl -X GET ""

This request should get the same result as the one in Part 5

If you’ve been following these instructions, your code should look like this:

[Optional] Optimize the Image

In this case, the container startup is taking around 2 minutes in my machine. That could be fine if we’re deploying the image in our own premises, and we just start it up once and it will running. However, we want to deploy it to some serverless provider, which means the container will need to startup from scratch more or less for each request.

Therefore, we should have a look at what we can do to minimize this startup time. In our app, every time the container starts, the database is being indexed. Another thing that takes time is downloading the all-MiniLM-L6-v2 model (see Part 2), which is also happening every time the container starts.

There is an easy fix in this case: since the model and the database will be the same for all containers we launch, we should just move these 2 steps to the build process. The build process will then take a bit more time, but the startup will be almost instant.

Indeed this is what we did in this commit. After doing those optimizations, the startup is now almost instant.

To continue this tutorial, go to Part 7.

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